why not just render the ordered child nodes as a json array?
 On Apr 7, 2011 10:22 AM, "Alexander Klimetschek" <aklim...@adobe.com>
> On 07.04.11 13:31, "Felix Meschberger" <fmesc...@adobe.com> wrote:
>>The problem is that ":order" already is used by the Sling POST Servlet
>>to define the order of newly inserted nodes...
> Ah, yes, I thought that one was named differently (should have checked
> :-)).
> But maybe this is ok? In all the cases I know, one never does a full
> round-trip, but rather uses some kind of form / dialog that defines the
> actual items to show and to update, so if ":order" is not part of it (or
> not sent along), there will be no conflict. But of course, I don't know
> what other Sling users are doing.
>>While I don't think we are walking into a collision here in the near
>>future, I would like to either not use that name or correlate an
>>potential update of Sling POST Servlet's use of the parameter, e.g. to
>>define/update the order of nodes ....
> If it is 100% round-trippable (i.e. adding support for :order as an array
> to the Sling POST servlet), why not? Inventing new names adds complexity
> and potential for confusion...
> Regards,
> Alex
> --
> Alexander Klimetschek
> Developer // Adobe (Day) // Berlin - Basel

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