
As Dominique mentioned, there are cases where you want to share scripts between 
"tenants". For example a partner hosting multiple customers with a set of 
common components/resource types.

If you want to model that with a custom resource resolution, you will build the 
same system that's already there: Who says that tenant configuration that 
you'll need (defining /content/acme is tenant "acme" and is only allowed to 
execute stuff from /apps/acme, /libs/* and maybe /apps/common etc.) is safer 
than setting up resource types as now?


On 12.08.2014, at 04:38, Dominik Süß <> wrote:

> Hey Stefan,
> just to add my 2 cents on constraints for a tenant:
> * In both cases the tenant could be identfied by one or more branches in
> the repo that can be linked to exactly one tenant.
> * In cases of Tenant Inheritance (as described in the Massive Multi Site
> Scenario) the returned Tenant would be the most concrete Tenant but could
> be identified as "subtenant" (e.g. /content/maintenant/subtenant  maps to
> "subtenant" which can be identified to be anchestor of "maintenant")
> * Contentsharing could happen on two levels
> ** Inheritance (Subtenant can always access resources from anchestors or in
> last resort the platform - but is most probably not allowed to write there)
> ** Synching/Sharing (Master-Slave or bidirectional syncing of Resources, so
> content virtually lives within the tenants content)
> I don't think it is a good idea to bind Resource Resolution and therefore
> scripts to a tenant since I can see the issue comming that a second tenant
> needs to be set up with exact the same scripts. I would define a mapping
> where Applicationpaths can be mapped to a tenant and the Searchpath lookup
> adds those paths dynamically to a tenant. This has the advantage that it is
> possible to define tenant by tenant which applicationextension will be made
> available to them.
> Best regards
> Dominik
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Stefan Seifert <>
> wrote:
>> i created a first draft of a wiki page where i tried to collect the
>> different views of and requirements for multitenancy of the recent
>> discussions:
>> i coined new names for the two scenarios "Virtual Hosting" and "Massive
>> Multi Site"
>> we should decide first which of the requirements we can target in a first
>> phase, and which are more complex or even not solvable within the current
>> architecture. and - of course - what is already fulfilled by the current
>> sling tenant implementation.
>> my interest is currently primary in the "massive multi site" scenario, and
>> especially the configuration part in it.
>> stefan

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