for what it's worth, it would be really nice to have an inline editing experience, maybe like


On 1/19/2016 5:25 AM, Sandro Boehme wrote:

I personally think there is a market and demand for a small Sling CMS that is a website builder which assembles frontend components from an open marketplace.

It would help me a big deal if some of you could tell me if they would use this kind of CMS or if the know people who would use it as that validates (or invalidates) my effort!

It should be as simple and straightforward as a typical website builder for composing a page from the frontend components. At the same time the barrier to develop these components should be as low as possible and developers should be able to sell components to allow a thriving marketplace for users to choose components from.

When researching to see if there is something comparable I didn't found anything. The closest were Wix, LightCMS, Hippo (marketplace planned), Liferay and Nuxeo. But they all have an enterprise edition which raises the barrier for many users and developers to use the CMS and makes the distribution of the CMS harder. If you know something else that matches my goals better I would really like to know it!

For me it seems obvious to go that route but I'm certainly biased :-). This is why your opinion is very important to me!

If you would like to know more about this initiative you will find more (technical) information at the introduction page of the survey here: Of course if you don't have the time you don't need to fill the questionnaire and you can just read the first page.

Any feedback is much appreciated!



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