On Wed, 2018-01-31 at 00:13 +0000, Alexander Klimetschek wrote:
> On 30.01.2018, at 01:38, Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org> wrote:
> > The constraint that we worked with is that many links would be
> > pointing
> > to https://github.com/apache/sling and these would be broken if we
> > added another 'sling' repository to the mix.  So we decided to keep
> > the
> > old 'sling' repository in place, renamed, so links would not break.
> What new links were you thinking of?

Links to commits and files from the old sling repo. For example

* https://github.com/apache/sling/commit/368f5f9c9f6d4c0e2602065687d95e
* https://github.com/apache/sling/blob/trunk/bundles/extensions/bundler

These would break if we add another 'sling' repo but work since we
renamed 'sling' to 'sling-old-svn-mirror' and Github is adding

That's the main argument against adding a new Git "native" repo as

> IIUC, it would be only a README.md and some others markdown files,
> plus the few xml files in sling-aggregator [0] in the "master"
> branch. Which is by design not in the old repo which used subversions
> "trunk".
> Note that any link to a file or subfolder in github would always
> include the branch name.  Not sure if you would ever create branches
> other than "master" for this "landing" repo, and any that would
> conflict with the few fixed branches from the old repo [1].
> tl;dr I don't think there is any chance for conflicts.

Right, but it's not about conflicts, it's about breaking old links.
Backwards compatiblity and all that :-)

> > The Sling SVN repository is read-only to make sure we don't
> > accidentally commit changes there. We would need to go through
> > infra
> > for each change so frequent updates
> Would it be possible to transform the github apache/sling repo, being
> a read-only mirror of the svn one (IIUC), into an active github repo?
> This might be a one time change, but you can still protect the old
> stuff.
> Something like this:
> 1. delete apache/sling-old-svn-mirror on github and disable the
> mirroring (infra team?)
> 2. re-create apache/sling from the git mirror repos available at ASF
> (infra team?)
> 3. make all the old branches protected so they can't be modified
> anymore
> 4. add the aggregator and new landing page readme on the master
> branch, which will be push-able for committers
> wdyt?

Actually that's not a bad idea :-) The only downside would be that
cloning the repository would be really slow due to the large size. Not
sure if we can work around it.

What do others think?


> [0] https://github.com/apache/sling-aggregator
> [1] https://github.com/apache/sling-old-svn-mirror/branches/all
> Cheers,
> Alex

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