OK, I think we are close. In the following reply, I am only concerned with the 
users view, not any Stratos internal concepts or names.

I define an “application instance” to be something which is created in response 
to combining an application.json (which contains references to named deployment 
policies, one per subscribableInfo) with a set of deployment policies which 
match the references. These deployment policies will have been preloaded into 

As you say “we cannot switch deployment policies of an application once it is 
deployed. However if needed we can create a new application with a new set of 
deployment policies”. So to avoid doubt…

·        An application instance must, by necessity, take a snapshot of all the 
policies referred to as the instance is created. Not doing so would cause 
confusion if the deployment policies are later updated.

o   Note: this does not preclude later having the ability to modify the 
snapshot (e.g. min/max instance values and so on).

o   I assume the same snapshotting is needed for the autoscaling policies.

o   This does imply that it has to be possible to “show” the current state of 
the application and its snapshotted policies for debugging purposes etc.

·        After the instance is deployed, the deployment (and autoscaling) 
policies may be changed without affecting the existing instance.

Is that correct?

Thanks, Shaheed

P.S. Do send the .jsons when you have them.

From: Imesh Gunaratne [mailto:im...@apache.org]
Sent: 15 February 2015 03:52
To: Shaheedur Haque (shahhaqu); dev
Subject: Re: 4.1 deployment policy questions

Hi Shaheed,

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 12:09 AM, Shaheedur Haque (shahhaqu) 
<shahh...@cisco.com<mailto:shahh...@cisco.com>> wrote:
Imesh, Gayan,

I look forward to the updated JSON samples; they will no doubt help reduce 

Yes we will send this ASAP.

Just to comment briefly on the replies you provided. The thing I don’t 
understand is how you intend the “Application deployment policy (Which is pass 
with the application deployment)” to work over time:

•        Let’s say that on Monday, I define a deployment policy with network 
partitions A, B and C. I can see that I could use different application 
deployment policies to turn A or B or C on-and-off and use that to deploy the 
application (for example) once just to A, and then a second time to B + C. 
(That seems like a weird use case to me, but if you have a need for it, that is 
Since an application is similar to a subscription in 4.0.0, we cannot switch 
deployment policies of an application once it is deployed. However if needed we 
can create a new application with a new set of deployment policies.

•        Now we get to Friday, and I have just taken a contract with D to use 
their resources in addition to A, B and C. My service must continue to run 
uninterrupted on A, B and C even as I take advantage of D. (That seems a more 
likely use case to me).

Now what is the sequence of steps?

Yes this is possible but it is still not implemented. We could update a 
deployment policy in runtime and add the new network partition to it. 
Thereafter we need to decide whether to apply this change to all the running 
applications or some specific ones. Depending on the decision, a new API method 
can be exposed to apply a change in a deployment policy to selected set of 
applications using it.


Imesh Gunaratne

Technical Lead, WSO2
Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos

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