You are referring to the CoR-based Struts build, correct Joe?  If not, I'm not 
seeing that class in the 1.1 javadocs.

If your talking CoR as I think you are though, I haven't gotten that far yet :) 
 I'm trying to get this to a point of equillibrium that I'm happy with based on 
the current codebase, then move on beyond that to a CoR-based implementation 
(which should be relatively easy as you indicate).

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Wed, February 2, 2005 12:53 pm, Joe Germuska said:
> With the ComposableRequestProcessor, the validation is independent
> from the command which puts an ActionForward into the context in the
> event of a failed form validation.  It should be very straightforward
> for you to change the "SelectInput" command or add another one which
> uses request context information to decide whether it should override
> the normal behavior or assume that some other command will handle
> things.
> Joe
> At 12:38 PM -0500 2/2/05, Frank W. Zammetti (MLists) wrote:
>>Hi folks... I'm working on an update of my Struts Web Services project,
>>and I can't seem to work out how to do something...
>>What I want to do is have a way to redirect to a given JSP when
>> ActionForm
>>validation errors occur that will OVERRIDE whatever might be configured
>> in
>>the action mapping.  In other words... in a normal application,
>> validation
>>errors occur and we get forwarded back to the input page.  I want to be
>>able to redirect to a different JSP, REGARDLESS of what the input page
>> is.
>>I looked at overriding the processValidate() method of RequestProcessor,
>>but I don't see how that can work... Looking at the source of the
>> original
>>RP (v1.1 this all is) I see that it does the forward and then returns a
>>boolean, true if no errors occur or false otherwise, so it doesn't look
>>like I have the opportunity to do something like the following
>>myOverriden_ProcessValidate() {
>>   boolean b = super.processValidate();
>>   if (!b) {
>>     forward to my jsp
>>   }
>>... because by the time I hit my check of b, the forward or redirect has
>>already been done.  Is it possible to override the forward or redirect
>>that the super.processValidate() could do?  I didn't think so.  Am I
>>missing the obvious somewhere on how to do this, or maybe I'm barking up
>>the wrong tree to begin with?  Thanks all!
>>Frank W. Zammetti
>>Founder and Chief Software Architect
>>Omnytex Technologies
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> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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