On Apr 7, 2005 9:17 AM, Fogleson, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm,
> I don't know. I checked out the struts 1.3 trunk (including apps,
> taglibs, etc) and haven't had much of a problem with being stepped on. I
> even submitted a couple patches against the 1.3 dev trunk.
> I will agree that the 1.3 is vastly in flux, but that is likely because
> it is undergoing a massive development effort right now.
> I know you are more of a fan of the 1.2 branches but I'm very much
> looking forward to 1.3 with commons chain. :)
> Al

Answer 7 = "Hmm" or "I just saved $30.00 on Geiko" or "I don't know
what your problem is because I am doing something entirely different
and don't see why I should care about what you are talking about"
Answer 8 = "You are stuck in the past and I am up to date"

Frank really is talking about something real here, if anyone wants to
see what it is that he is talking about.

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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