On Thu, April 7, 2005 12:59 pm, Fogleson, Allen said:
> Svn checkout.

Really?  That is interesting.  I was not aware that anyone other than
committers could check code out.  It seems bizarre that anyone could come
along and check out the code for changes, effectively locking the
committers themselves out (and then, really, what's the point of someone
being a committer anyway?)

> Yes I agree it makes it more difficult to contribute when all the
> committers are so busy working on the thing. Which is why I expect my
> patches to be late in being applied. And heck I may have to rewrite them
> again :)

It's that rewriting I want to avoid :)  Especially if it's something that
isn't just a patch (which generally people would consider smaller in
nature) but is instead a feature addition that is maybe more involvde.

In either case, finding the time in the first place to do it is tough
enough, finding time AGAIN to re-write it isn't something I'm looking to

> Although the 1.2 branch seems to be a "dead end" I know there are still
> patches being applied to it. Niall just fixed a bug in it the other day
> (yesterday?) so although I know your intent in "dead end" was new
> development at least there are still bug fixes being applied.

Yes, you are of course correct.  Thank you for clarifying my words :)

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