On 4/18/06, Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Without saying whether we should support 1.4 or not, realistically
> we're talking about Struts 2.0.0 in production some time after August
> depending how long it takes users to port their applications, not
> right now, at this moment, right? JDK 1.6 comes out in the fall at
> which point 1.4 will be two major releases behind. We must embrace
> 1.5. We should keep in mind that:
> - 1.4 support will add complexity and require more development time
> - 1.4 will become less relevant pretty quickly
> - 1.4 users have two other options: Struts 1.2 and WebWork 2.2

Here's the thing:

When a committer votes +1 on a release, it's taken to mean that the
committer is using the release in production his or herself, and that
he or she will support the release with patches and posts to the user
list. Technically, we only need three +1s to create a release, but we
like to think more than three committers will be available to support
a release.

It doesn't matter what all the world is doing. What matters is what
the committers are doing with their own applications. We aren't
creating the framework just for other people to use. We are creating
the framework that we want to use with our own applications, and then
sharing the wealth with the general public. The Apache term is "We eat
our own dog food." Before we ask anyone else to put a release in to
production, we put it into production ourselves. So, the minimum
release platform has to match what the vast majority of committers are
now using in production.

If the vast majority of committers are using 1.5, then 1.5 would be an
option. But that's the only argument that matters. We need the
committers to be using 1.5 at their own shops before we could consider
changing the release platform here.

If someone were to setup that "rough spots" page, we could also
include a section where the committers could sign-up for 1.4 or 1.5
support, based on what they are doing at work.


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