I'm in favour of this for the reasons I put forward in response to
Craig's post. I have no idea whether it will have the desired effect
or not - but IMO its a good idea and I think we should give it a go.


On 4/25/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Struts community,
> We have seen a rash of what most people consider "noise" on these lists
> recently, and I can't deny that I was even part of some of it (although
> I hope somewhat more constructively than some).  However, underlying the
> "noise" I feel were a few valid points worth considering.  I for one have.
> What I've come away with is a proposal I would like to make.  It would
> represent a procedural change of sorts, or addition to be more accurate.
>  I ask that anyone who has a thought on it please feel free to comment,
> but I ask that you try and do so constructively.  It is not my intention
> to start another 200-post thread that quickly devolves into name-calling
> and insults.
> Also, please try not to get hung up on all the details, because they are
> debatable and negotiable (although I have tried to make them reasonable
> to start with).  The two principles described in the conclusion are what
> is really important.  The details of how this would work can be adjusted
> to make everyone happy.
> A proposal for community-based committer nominations
> ----------------------------------------------------
> * Rationale
> One of the issues that a number of people seem to have with the way
> Struts has progressed is the seeming inability (or difficulty at least)
> of getting "new blood" involved.  There seems to be a perception by many
> that there is a bit of a "closed club" mentality with regard to being
> invited in as a committer and that the Struts community at large has no
> say in the matter.
> * Proposed Change:
> First, let me make clear that this proposal does NOT change the existing
> mechanism by which someone is invited to be a committer.  That decision
> still rests soley with the PMC.  This proposal only seeks to build on
> top of that mechanism.  I propose that a community-based nomination
> process be instituted.  For the sake of discussion, a "qualified" person
> is anyone that has been on the Struts Dev and/or User mailing lists for
> at least 6 months and has been relatively active (say, at minimum, 2
> posts per week total).  Any qualified person is eligible for nomination,
> or to nominate someone else.  Naturally, a person could never nominate
> themselves.  A nomination must then be seconded by another qualified
> person.  At that point, a voting period of one week commences, where any
> non-committer and non-PMC member, "qualified" or not, may vote (the
> usual +1, 0, -1).  The original nominator is responsible for tallying
> the vote.  A person must receive at least 60% +1's (i.e., 6 out of 10
> must be +1) and no more than half of the remainder may be negative.  At
> the end of that one week period, the vote results will be posted to the
> Dev list and a similar one week period will commence where existing
> Struts team members vote for the nominee.  Also note that at any point,
> the nominee can decline the nomination.  We wouldn't want to offer
> someone up that doesn't want to job!
> * Conclusion:
> Once again, let me make perfectly clear that the existing PMC still
> retains 100% control over who is invited to join.  This proposal only
> serves to introduce a mechanism by which members of the community can be
> nominated and force a vote by the PMC.  That is of course the first
> important principle of this proposal.  The other important principle is
> taking the will of the community into account.  By having the PMC not
> vote until AFTER the community has voted, the "will of the community"
> should be apparent, and the idea is that the PMC will take that into
> account when voting.  The community will then have a clear indication
> whether they have been listened to or not based on the outcome of the
> vote (and the comments made during the vote because, after all, there
> ould be legitimate reasons not to adhere to the community's vote, and
> hose reasons should come out in discussion).  But, at the end of the
> day, who is invited to join is still decided by the PMC, as it is today.
> I look forward to feedback.  Thanks for listening!
> Frank
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