I want to get 2.0.8 out in the next few days, as I have an application that
should deploy this week, and I'd prefer to use a "real" Struts release.
I've already cleaned up most of the tickets, but may have to push out the
release with a few things left undone like the xwork 2.0.3 dep.


On 5/18/07, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll be very heads-down for the next six weeks, and after that, I'll
be working on something else entirely over the summer.

Will anyone else be available this summer to help apply patches and
march us toward releases of Struts 2.0.8 and Struts 2.1.0?

Musachy has been doing a lot of work on the Dojo plugin, but there a
number of other outstanding patches, and we should ask ourselves
whether we still have volunteers with the time to at least make
routine changes.


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