On Nov 4, 2007 10:26 PM, Chris Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 4, 2007 2:58 PM, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As for the problem of so many combinations of plugins, I'm all for the
> > proliferation of plugins, but do think we need to not ship with two
> > plugins that solve the same problem.
> I believe Struts already ships multiple plugins that solve the same
> problem.  The View and the File Upload problems each have multiple
> plugins.  I think the whole point is choice, and I don't see any
> problem with shipping that choice as part of Struts.  Ted has also
> championed a one-stop, "getting started" file that would contain a
> single solution to each of the problems (with the exception of the
> view), which I think takes care of the problem of confusing new users.
>  But that's just one, non-committer's, opinion.
>   (*Chris*)

The tipping point for a  one-stop JAR might  be whether we break out
the tags or not. (In my own applications, we've moved to pure Ajax
front-ends, so the tags really are not an issue for me personally,
except to the extent that I sometimes train other people to use them.)

I feel that the underlying problem is that we've extended the notion
of a "lib" folder to include a number of optional JARs, some of which
overlap, and most of which have additional dependencies that we don't
bundle. I don't have a problem with the overlap, but we should have a
standard lib distribution that only includes the JARs that we expect
that most everyone will need to write a basic application.

My suggestion would be to create a second struts-extras-lib
distribution that would include all the optional plugin artifacts that
we maintain, and then reduce the standard struts-lib to just the JARs
we need to setup a blank application (struts-core, freemarker, ognl,
xwork, and commons-logging (just in case)).

If we later decide to create a tags-plugin, then we can just add it to
the struts-lib distribution, instead of the struts-extras-lib.


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