Ted Husted wrote:
On Nov 4, 2007 10:26 PM, Chris Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Nov 4, 2007 2:58 PM, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As for the problem of so many combinations of plugins, I'm all for the
proliferation of plugins, but do think we need to not ship with two
plugins that solve the same problem.
I believe Struts already ships multiple plugins that solve the same
problem.  The View and the File Upload problems each have multiple
plugins.  I think the whole point is choice, and I don't see any
problem with shipping that choice as part of Struts.  Ted has also
championed a one-stop, "getting started" file that would contain a
single solution to each of the problems (with the exception of the
view), which I think takes care of the problem of confusing new users.
 But that's just one, non-committer's, opinion.

The tipping point for a  one-stop JAR might  be whether we break out
the tags or not.
Sorry to be a little behind on the thread, but what is the message that we are providing to user across different EL implements? Is accessing internationalization text and using custom type converters, for example, going to be the same for users for all EL's or different depending on which EL is used under the covers?


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