On Thu, 11 Feb 2021 at 19:24, Nathan Hartman <hartman.nat...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 11:33 AM Daniel Sahlberg
> <daniel.l.sahlb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > *thread reply*
> >
> > I think everyone should take a deep breath and then we should re-start
> the conversation with the purpose of learning and improving because at the
> moment it seems that emotions are way to high.
> >
> > As I see it - and as usual, I'm new to the party so I don't have
> historical context:
> >
> > * Subversion release process dictate to announce first, update website
> later. There is a reason for it but we can improve on the process. I've
> raised this at dev@ and received positive feedback from stsp.
> > * The RM an honest mistake and forgot to update the download page on the
> website. He has admitted and apologized. No problem, we all make mistakes,
> right?
> > * Moderation rejected the announce mail quite harshly. I would agree
> that the missing links was reasonable cause to /hold back/ the
> announcement, but I think it was done in a way (tone and outright rejection
> instead of reaching out "hey, did you forget to update the download page?")
> that didn't invite to further communication. (I'm not comenting on the KEYS
> file issue, I wasn't around last time and I don't have the time to look up
> the policy, but from what I understand this was a minor issue).
> >
> > As far as I understand everyone in the Subversion project are
> volunteers. I don't know about the moderators but I assume they are as
> well. We need to treat eachother with respect and try to find the most
> efficient way for the community as a whole and not just "looking from the
> perspectiv of ****".
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Daniel Sahlberg
> I agree that there needs to be respect and appreciation for everyone's
> volunteer efforts here, and in the spirit of openness and cooperation
> I have a suggestion to make:
> Since it seems that "not being spam" isn't enough to make an
> announcement, and this is a long standing issue (it goes back farther
> than last May), it would be immensely helpful, both for us and for the
> moderators, if there were publicly posted rules that clearly outline:
> "this is what moderators check; this is the criteria moderators use to
> accept or reject an email to this list." This would clearly set
> expectations and help to prevent the repeating issues that I'm sure
> are frustrating to the list operators, and I know are frustrating for
> us.
I agree that this would be useful.

Where would you expect to find such information?
And what rules would you expect to see?

Remember that the announce@ list is ASF-wide, so emails need to be worded

Thanks to everyone for your support.
> Nathan

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