On 12 Feb 2022, Mark Phippard wrote:
Just to offer a counterpoint Karl, I always assumed the goal of the branch was to have no pristines in the WC and the "on-demand" aspect was referring to an internal SVN detail that it would have to fetch
pristines when they were needed to complete a command that I have
executed like diff or revert.

I know we discussed whether the entire WC, or individual files would not have pristines but I never considered the "on-demand" aspect to be about my ability to decide this. It was about SVN just doing what it
needed to when it needed to.

Ah, I see. That might be where the branch name came from, yeah. But the key (necessary) part of the feature is the absence of pristines, whereas the restoration of some pristines on demand is an optional enhancement (and one we're not even doing in the first MVP version).

In fact, selected rehydration is not necessarily even the first enhancement we might make after MVP. There's an argument for prioritizing flexible client-side configuration specs first, so that all the diffable files get pristines on checkout while all the big binary blob files get no pristines. IOW, if we get the checkout right the first time, then selected rehydration becomes less important to have; also, there is an easy workaround for it; just make a copy of the working file :-).

(I still think selected rehydration would be good to have, of course; I'm just pointing out that we haven't really discussed where it sits relative to other possible things.)

In any case, the branch name doesn't matter too much here, especially since it's going to get merged soon. However, for the user-facing name of the feature, we should pick a name based on the essence of the feature, not on a not-yet-fully-implemented optional enhancement to the feature, discussed further below.

On 13 Feb 2022, Julian Foad wrote:
That name came, as far as I am aware, from Evgeny's branch which implements the latter.

This may be a case where the public facing name for the feature ought to differ from the internal development name.

Any ideas for a good public name?

Pristines on Subversion's demand?
Dehydrated WC?

I kind of like the dehydration/rehydration theme -- it's certainly memorable! Other possibilities:

 - blob-optimized checkouts

 - "blobtimized" checkouts (okay, kidding there... :-) )

The first one is actually a serious suggestion, though. It's more helpful for users if we frame the feature in terms of what it enables than in terms of back-end implementation. What issue #525 is about is optimizing for checkouts with lots of Binary Large OBjects -- things that don't generally receive mergeable changes and that one rarely if ever diffs. Hence "blob-optimized checkouts" as the tag line (and then in the feature description we explain the details).

Anyway, that's one idea, but the floor is open...

Best regards,

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