On 12/12/2012 16:51, Colm O hEigeartaigh wrote:
Hi Francesco,

Sorry if I am saying something obvious but:
* 'mvn clean package' will just stop before verify, hence not triggering the 
* 'mvn clean verify -DskipTests' will avoid integration test execution but will 
start the environment (including Tomcat) anyway
Could we define a goal to avoid starting Tomcat in core and avoid the integration tests? 
For example, CXF has a "fastinstall" profile that just compiles + installs all 
of the modules and doesn't run any tests or PMD/checkstyle.

Hi Colm,
I've created SYNCOPE-254 and attached a patch there introducing a new 'skipTests' build profile.
Please take a look and let me know.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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