Github user Alex-Vol commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: lib/java/build.gradle ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    + * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    + * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
    + * specific language governing permissions and limitations
    + * under the License.
    + */
    +apply plugin: 'java'
    +apply plugin: 'maven'
    +apply plugin: 'signing'
    +description = 'Apache Thrift Java Library'
    +defaultTasks 'build'
    +// Override the build directory id CMake is used
    +if (hasProperty('build.dir')) {
    +    buildDir = file(property('build.dir'))
    +// In order to remain compatible with other Ant based builds in the system
    +// we convert the into DSL friendly camelCased properties
    +ext.thriftVersion = property('thrift.version')
    +ext.installPath = property('install.path')
    +ext.installJavadocPath = property('install.javadoc.path')
    +ext.thriftRoot = file('../..')
    +if (hasProperty('thrift.compiler')) {
    +    ext.thriftCompiler = property('thrift.compiler')
    +} else {
    +    ext.thriftCompiler = "$thriftRoot/compiler/cpp/thrift"
    +ext.mvnRepo = property('mvn.repo')
    +ext.apacheRepo = property('apache.repo')
    +ext.mavenRepositoryUrl = property('maven-repository-url')
    +// Versions used in this project
    +ext.httpclientVersion = property('httpclient.version')
    +ext.httpcoreVersion = property('httpcore.version')
    +ext.servletVersion = property('servlet.version')
    +ext.slf4jVersion = property('slf4j.version')
    +ext.junitVersion = property('junit.version')
    +ext.mockitoVersion = property('mockito.version')
    +// Version components for this project
    +group = property('thrift.groupid')
    +if (Boolean.parseBoolean(project.release)) {
    +    version = "$thriftVersion"
    +} else {
    +    version = "$thriftVersion-SNAPSHOT"
    +// In this section you declare where to find the dependencies of your 
    +repositories {
    +    maven {
    +        name 'Maven Central Repository'
    +        url mvnRepo
    +    }
    +    maven {
    +        name 'Apache Maven Repository'
    +        url apacheRepo
    +    }
    +dependencies {
    +    compile "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:${slf4jVersion}"
    +    compile "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:${httpclientVersion}"
    +    compile "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:${httpcoreVersion}"
    +    compile "javax.servlet:servlet-api:${servletVersion}"
    +    testCompile "junit:junit:${junitVersion}"
    +    testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-all:${mockitoVersion}"
    +    testRuntime "org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:${slf4jVersion}"
    +// Generated code for Unit tests
    +ext.genSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-java")
    +ext.genBeanSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-javabean")
    +ext.genReuseSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-javareuse")
    +ext.genFullCamelSrc = file("$buildDir/gen-fullcamel")
    +sourceSets {
    +    main {
    +        java {
    +            srcDir 'src'
    +        }
    +    }
    +    test {
    +        java {
    +            srcDir 'test'
    +            srcDir genSrc
    +            srcDir genBeanSrc
    +            srcDir genReuseSrc
    +            srcDir genFullCamelSrc
    +        }
    +        resources {
    +            srcDir 'test'
    +            include ''
    +        }
    +    }
    +// Code generation for Unit Testing
    +ext.testThriftHome = file("$thriftRoot/test")
    +// A callable closure to make this easier
    +ext.thriftCompile = { Task task, String thriftFileName, String generator = 
'java', File outputDir = genSrc ->
    +    def thriftFile = file("$testThriftHome/$thriftFileName")
    +    assert thriftFile.exists()
    +    task.inputs.file thriftFile
    +    task.outputs.dir outputDir
    +    task.doLast {
    +        outputDir.mkdirs()
    +        exec {
    +            executable file(thriftCompiler)
    +            args '--gen', generator
    +            args '-out', outputDir
    +            args thriftFile
    +        }
    +    }
    +task generate(group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Generate all unit test Thrift sources'
    +task generateJava(group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Generate the thrift gen-java source'
    +    generate.dependsOn it
    +    compileTestJava.dependsOn it
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'ThriftTest.thrift')
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'JavaTypes.thrift')
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'DebugProtoTest.thrift')
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'OptionalRequiredTest.thrift')
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'ManyOptionals.thrift')
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'JavaDeepCopyTest.thrift')
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'EnumContainersTest.thrift')
    +task generateBeanJava(group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Generate the thrift gen-javabean source'
    +    generate.dependsOn it
    +    compileTestJava.dependsOn it
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'JavaBeansTest.thrift', 'java:beans,nocamel', 
    +task generateReuseJava(group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Generate the thrift gen-javareuse source'
    +    generate.dependsOn it
    +    compileTestJava.dependsOn it
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'FullCamelTest.thrift', 'java:fullcamel', 
    +task generateFullCamelJava(group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Generate the thrift gen-fullcamel source'
    +    generate.dependsOn it
    +    compileTestJava.dependsOn it
    +    thriftCompile(it, 'ReuseObjects.thrift', 'java:reuse-objects', 
    +// Compiler configuration details
    +sourceCompatibility = '1.6'
    +targetCompatibility = '1.6'
    +tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
    +    options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
    +    options.debug = true
    +    options.deprecation = true
    +    // options.compilerArgs.addAll('-Xlint:unchecked')
    +// Jar packaging details
    +processResources {
    +    into('META-INF') {
    +        from "$thriftRoot/LICENSE"
    +        from "$thriftRoot/NOTICE"
    +        rename('(.+)', '$1..txt')
    +    }
    +jar {
    +    manifest {
    +        attributes([
    +            "Implementation-Version": "${project.version}",
    +            "Bundle-ManifestVersion": "2",
    +            "Bundle-SymbolicName": "${}",
    +            "Bundle-Name": "Apache Thrift",
    +            "Bundle-Version": "${project.version}",
    +            "Bundle-Description": "Apache Thrift library",
    +            "Bundle-License": "${project.license}",
    +            "Bundle-ActivationPolicy": "lazy",
    +            "Export-Package": 
    +            "Import-Package": 
    +        ])
    +    }
    +task sourcesJar(type: Jar, group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Assembles a jar archive containing the main Java 
    +    classifier 'sources'
    +    from sourceSets.main.allSource
    +task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc, group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Assembles a jar archive containing the JavaDoc.'
    +    classifier 'javadoc'
    +    from javadoc.destinationDir
    +artifacts {
    +    archives sourcesJar
    +    archives javadocJar
    +task copyDependencies(type: Copy, group: 'Build') {
    +    description = 'Copy Test runtime dependencies in a common location for 
other Ant based projects'
    +    assemble.dependsOn it
    +    destinationDir = file("$buildDir/deps")
    +    from configurations.testRuntime
    +// Installation subtasks, hooked on Maven install task
    +task installDist(type: Copy, group: 'Install') {
    +    description = "Copy Thrift JAR and dependencies into $installPath 
    +    install.dependsOn it
    +    destinationDir = file(installPath)
    +    from jar
    +    from configurations.compile
    +task installJavadoc(type: Copy, group: 'Install', dependsOn: javadoc) {
    +    description = "Install Thrift JavaDoc into $installJavadocPath 
    +    install.dependsOn it
    +    destinationDir = file(installJavadocPath)
    +    from javadoc.destinationDir
    +// Unit test tasks and configurations
    +task deprecatedEqualityTest(type: JavaExec, group: 'Validation') {
    +    description = 'Run the non-JUnit test suite '
    +    classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
    +    main 'org.apache.thrift.test.EqualityTest'
    +task deprecatedJavaBeansTest(type: JavaExec, group: 'Validation') {
    +    description = 'Run the non-JUnit test suite '
    +    classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
    +    main 'org.apache.thrift.test.JavaBeansTest'
    +task testclient(type: JavaExec, group: 'Validation') {
    +    description="Run a test client"
    +    classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
    +    main 'org.apache.thrift.test.TestClient'
    +    systemProperties = [
    +      '': "${projectDir}/test/.truststore",
    +      '': 'thrift'
    +    ]
    +    if (project.hasProperty('testargs')) {
    +        args "$testargs".split(' ')
    +    }
    +task testserver(type: JavaExec, group: 'Validation') {
    +    description="Run a test server"
    +    classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
    +    main 'org.apache.thrift.test.TestServer'
    +    systemProperties = [
    +      '': "${projectDir}/test/.keystore",
    +      '': 'thrift'
    +    ]
    +    if (project.hasProperty('testargs')) {
    +        args "$testargs".split(' ')
    +    }
    +task testnonblockingserver(type: JavaExec, group: 'Validation') {
    +    description="Run a test nonblocking server"
    +    classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath
    +    main 'org.apache.thrift.test.TestNonblockingServer'
    +    systemProperties = [
    +      '': "${projectDir}/test/.keystore",
    +      '': 'thrift'
    +    ]
    +    if (project.hasProperty('testargs')) {
    +        args "$testargs".split(' ')
    +    }
    +// Main Unit Test task configuration
    +test {
    +    description="Run the full test suite"
    +    dependsOn deprecatedEqualityTest, deprecatedJavaBeansTest
    +    // Allow repeating tests even after successful execution
    +    if (project.hasProperty('rerunTests')) {
    +        outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
    +    }
    +    include '**/Test*.class'
    +    exclude '**/Test*\$*.class'
    +    exclude '**/TestClient.class'
    +    exclude '**/TestServer.class'
    +    exclude '**/TestNonblockingServer.class'
    +    maxHeapSize = '512m'
    +    forkEvery = 1
    +    systemProperties = [
    +      'build.test': "${compileTestJava.destinationDir}",
    +      'test.port': "${testPort}",
    +      '': "${projectDir}/test/.truststore",
    +      '': 'thrift',
    +      '': "${projectDir}/test/.keystore",
    +      '': 'thrift'
    +    ]
    +// Allow this configuration to be shared between install and 
uploadArchives tasks
    +def configurePom(pom) {
    +    pom.project {
    +        name 'Apache Thrift'
    +        description 'Thrift is a software framework for scalable 
cross-language services development.'
    +        packaging 'jar'
    +        url ''
    +        scm {
    +            url ''
    +            connection 
    +            developerConnection 
    +        }
    +        licenses {
    +            license {
    +                name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
    +                url "${project.license}"
    +                distribution 'repo'
    +            }
    +        }
    +        developers {
    --- End diff --
    Sure, that would make the pom file much shorter and less likely to have 
stale information.


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