This looks excellent Christopher, thank you for working on this so quickly! 
I'll see if I can create an official repo tomorrow and we can take it from 

On Thu, 29 Oct 2020, at 16:58, Christopher wrote:
> While there may be an interest in making quality changes to improve
> the layout and content of the site, the immediate need is to migrate
> off of CMS, for which INFRA has discontinued (or is discontinuing)
> support.
> I spent a few hours today converting all the Markdown over to Jekyll
> today... and only have 2 small things left that I'm still working on
> are the things that were previously being done in CMS's Perl code:
> 1. ensure syntax highlighting for code blocks is working for when code
> blocks are pulled in from the main thrift repo, and
> 2. fix the sitemap (I have a flattened version in Jekyll, but it
> doesn't show the hierarchy).
> The way I have it set up is complete with build instructions for
> testing locally, GitHub Actions CI builds for pull requests,
> configuration for INFRA's builders to automatically create a staging
> website whenever commits are merged to the main branch, and a
> convenience script to quickly publish from the asf-staging branch to
> the asf-site branch (or you can just merge the commit in git
> yourself). The complete lifecycle, from contributor pull request to
> publication is taken into consideration.
> The code so far (minus the bits I'm still finishing up) is at
> Of course, the Thrift PMC is not obligated to use what I've done, but
> it will get them off of CMS immediately if they want to use it.
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 5:08 AM Mario Emmenlauer <> wrote:
> >
> > On 29.10.20 02:33, Christopher wrote:
> > > On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 1:50 PM Duru Can Celasun <> 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > [SNIP]
> > >>> I'm more than happy to do it your way, especially if you think it'd be
> > >>> easier. My one concern is that the current CMS content isn't exactly
> > >>> great and my RTD version has improvements, but we can sort that later.
> > >>> How should we proceed?
> > >
> > > Well, ultimately, the decision is up to the Thrift PMC. I can only
> > > offer suggestions and opinions, as I'm neither a PMC member nor a
> > > committer for Thrift. The CMS content may not be "great" as is, but it
> > > is  what is there and working now, and its static HTML and/or basic
> > > Markdown is 99% compatible with Jekyll's Markdown, so it's easy to
> > > convert while preserving the existing site look and feel... just to
> > > get off of CMS as quickly as possible. However, since I'm not a
> > > committer for Thrift, there's little I can do to actually make it
> > > happen. *IF* the PMC wants to go that route to get things done
> > > quickly, I can convert over the Markdown this week, and put it in my
> > > own repo for them to use directly, but I don't want to do that effort
> > > if that's not what they want to do. If they want to go with
> > > readthedocs to replace the site look and feel at the same time as
> > > getting off of CMS (rather than two steps), then I'd rather spend my
> > > effort trying to help you (since you're a PMC member working on this)
> > > get the builds automated and an .asf.yaml file in place to trigger the
> > > publication.
> >
> > I have to admit that I'm becoming a bit frustrated with the situation
> > of the website. I was ready to invest a few days of work in the content
> > when I started with thrift _one_year_ago_. But the content was not
> > (easily) editable and was spread out over multiple pages. In my very
> > personal opinion it would be essential for the project to get a page
> > ASAP. And it would _really_ help new users if the new page replaces all
> > spread-out information from current pages like,
> >, etc. And the
> > page should be really easy to edit for non-members, like i.e. in a
> > public git repository.
> >
> > I was under the impression that this is where Duru Can Celasun was going,
> > and I think that _if_ this requires more discussion then whoever suggests
> > something else should also carry this wagon for a bit. Whoever can
> > provide that gets my vote.
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> >     Mario
> >

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