Remy Maucherat wrote:
On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 15:19 -0600, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
Remy Maucherat wrote:
regression, the fact that you can't read more than 8k when using ServletRequest.getReader

I proposed a patch for that. If it doesn't fix it with the patch I
proposed applied, I would need some test cases on bug 44494 to look at
the problems.

Personally, I am in no hurry to proceed with a release.
the regression mentioned above, and providing backwards compatibility with invalid v0 cookies IMO is enough to push another release

There are no agreed upon fixes for either problems, so I have no idea
what could be released unfortunately.

There are 3 +1's for the 8k issue (your proposed patch) and the cookies issue has 2. The cookies patch is short and you haven't voted yet so if you could find the time to review the cookies patch we could get to agreed fixes for both issues quite quickly.


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