Remy Maucherat wrote:
On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 15:19 -0600, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
Remy Maucherat wrote:
regression, the fact that you can't read more than 8k when using ServletRequest.getReader

I proposed a patch for that. If it doesn't fix it with the patch I
proposed applied, I would need some test cases on bug 44494 to look at
the problems.
yes, and your proposed patch has 3 +1 votes. The second part of the bug, should be in a separate bug report if you ask me, and not relevant to this one.
Personally, I am in no hurry to proceed with a release.
the regression mentioned above, and providing backwards compatibility with invalid v0 cookies IMO is enough to push another release

There are no agreed upon fixes for either problems, so I have no idea
what could be released unfortunately.
There is a cookie patch proposed, it follows the following behavior

1. If a cookie is added with version0
2. and that cookie contains illegal characters
3. then we switch the cookie to v1

most of this is already in SVN, the latest patch simply changes so that we only do a version switch based on characters in the "value" of the cookie. after that, path/domain etc is parsed using whatever version the cookie has at that point


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