On 02/09/2014 19:24, Sylvain Laurent wrote:
> Regarding question b), I vote yes, whatever the organization of the 
> development
> Regarding a), for my part I rather see something between A and B. I think of 
> the following questions that should be answered first :
> - will there be 1 repo per major version like the current SVN setup ? or only 
> branches in a unique repo ?

It is up to us.

The current svn setup is a single repo.

My preference is for a single git repo with branches for 7.0.x and 6.0.x

> - how to backport modifications from one major version to another ? is 
> cherry-picking ok ?

Again, it is up to us. I see two basic choices.

a) Make change in master and cherry pick to backport
b) Make changes in earliest branch that needs the change and merge
forward until we reach trunk/master

a) is closer to how we work now. b) is 'nicer'. a) is more flexible.

I have a slight preference for a) but I'm happy with either.

> - where will the main repo be (the one committers will push to)? ASF or 
> github ? where should we open and treat pull requests, ASF or github ? 
> (currently having the SVN repo at ASF and pull requests at github is not 
> convenient)

The canonical location for the source for an ASF project is ALWAYS the
ASF. The repo will be mirrored at github. The github integration makes
working with github pull requests very easy - we are doing this already.


> Sylvain
> On 2 sept. 2014, at 18:41, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I've been looking at this again (anything to get a break from writing
>> parsers for cookies) and chatting with some of the infra folks that look
>> after the ASF's git repos.
>> There are a couple of things we need to do:
>> a) decide how we want to organise development in git
>> b) decide if we want to move to git
>> Now the decision we make for a) might influence some folks to make a
>> different decision for b). On the other hand, there is no point debating
>> a) if we are never going to move.
>> So, how do folks want to approach this?
>> A: Vote to move to git and then figure out how best to use it? or
>> B: Agree our git workflows and then have a vote on moving to git with
>> those workflows?
>> I'm leaning towards A myself.
>> Mark
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