Does it mean we'll rename TomEE as a TLP to something else so TomEE can be
a subproject and we will be creating more sub-projects for Sheldon or any
other project?

I have seen a lot of discussions in different Apache projects regarding a
common place for Java EE components (spec jars and common libraries). I
know TomEE has been mentioned a couple of times, as well as other Apache
Is this a related discussion?
Or should it be tackled at the same time?

Jean-Louis Monteiro

On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 5:00 AM, David Blevins <>

> > On Aug 9, 2017, at 7:27 PM, John D. Ament <> wrote:
> >
> > <incubator hat>
> > Don't forget to do IP clearance
> > </incubator hat>
> Salute and Ack.  Went through that process with a half-dozen code bases in
> the 2003-2009 range.  I was a pro then, not sure if my knowledge is dated.
> > I personally think these are awesome projects.  David's been passionate
> > about this stuff for a long time, and I was really hopefully to get these
> > MDB enhancements working on the JMS spec, never happened :-(
> I pushed hard to have them not axe JMS from Java 8.  Of course I’m
> stubborn, so perhaps there is still another way.
> > It would be great to see these at Apache, and hopefully with a pretty
> > robust test suite showing them working in multiple EE containers.
> Robust test suite would be awesome.  I know Sheldon currently supports
> Wildfly and TomEE.  Jonathan Gallimore put quite a lot of work into it.
> Testing wise, I think it was mostly manual.  So some increased tests would
> be good.
> Feature wise, there are a handful of things I’d love to see added to
> Sheldon:
>  - ability to use ssh keys instead of passwords
>  - ability to execute ‘ssh localhost -p 2222 <some command>’ style
> commands that ssh allows
>  - ability to use @RolesAllowed on commands
> With those in there, you could do some extremely cool things.  Not that
> Sheldon isn’t darn cool already :)
> -David

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