A few thoughts as mentioned over at the Geronimo list:

Reusable components make sense they are clearly distinctable. The part which 
contains that reusable components imo must get a different brand name than 
TomEE. Otherwise you get the same problem as with Geronimo: people will think 
these parts ONLY work with TomEE and that they are not usable separately.

I don't care if those components are 'managed' by the TomEE PMC, the Geroiniom 
PMC or a new "ASF EE commons". All I want is to have a vibrant community. And 
we have that already. It's just not happening that much on the TomEE list. 

The point is: if some outsiders say that TomEE is not really active then that's 
plain wrong. And of course it's our fault!
There is TONS of activity in Johnzon, OpenWebBeans, etc. And this is all done 
by people who are (most times) also TomEE committers. And it's also done in 
favour of TomEE.

The problem here is: TomEE does a really bad job in pointing out these ties! If 
TomEE would kind of cumulate this progress and make it clear that this makes it 
into TomEE, then it would be much clearer that there is no standstill but 
actually tons of activity.


> Am 10.08.2017 um 22:44 schrieb David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com>:
>> On Aug 10, 2017, at 1:12 AM, Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonte...@tomitribe.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Does it mean we'll rename TomEE as a TLP to something else so TomEE can be
>> a subproject and we will be creating more sub-projects for Sheldon or any
>> other project?
> I’d definitely want to keep TomEE as the TLP name.  My primary goal is to 
> grow TomEE the brand and community and TLP with things that might directly or 
> indirectly help TomEE the server.
> At Apache it’s very common for TLPs to have subprojects and not be renamed.  
> We can keep the TLP name as-is and foster crazy new ideas.  If any of them 
> becomes a massive effort in its own right, we spin it out.  APR was 
> originally an HTTPd subproject.  Ant was originally a Tomcat subproject.
> Most subprojects don’t become that big.
> We’ve actually had a couple subprojects, like the EJB 2.x to 3x Conversion 
> Eclipse Plugin Jonathan wrote.  Interestingly, it wasn’t actually working on 
> OpenEJB itself that got Jon commit, but this “crazy idea” subproject.  I’m 
> not actually sure he had even one commit on OpenEJB trunk when we voted him 
> in.
> Vishwa got voted in working on the build tools and twitter bot.  Smaller 
> projects seem to be a lot easier for people to digest.  In Jon’s case, the 
> subproject work encouraged him to dig into OpenEJB and the rest is history.
>> I have seen a lot of discussions in different Apache projects regarding a
>> common place for Java EE components (spec jars and common libraries). I
>> know TomEE has been mentioned a couple of times, as well as other Apache
>> projects.
>> Is this a related discussion?
>> Or should it be tackled at the same time?
> I’d certainly welcome crazy new EE-related ideas and common libraries that 
> wanted to start here.  So in that sense, very related.
> We’d want them to be in some way beneficial to the TomEE server ecosystem, 
> directly or indirectly.  They do not need to be TomEE-only components and can 
> definitely be reusable and have fun unique names.
> In terms of at the same time, for me that’s a “no".  There’ve been 
> discussions in Geronimo specifically on what to do with that project.  Those 
> discussions have been going on for 2 years.  We are not in a position to 
> tackle that here.  I certainly wouldn’t want us to hold our breath, because I 
> don’t think anything there will resolve soon and don’t want to see is in the 
> position of not moving forward because we are waiting on another community.  
> I’d welcome the code and committers if they wanted to come over.
> We know we need to inject some blood into our community, so that’s the 
> primary goal.  If it happens to kill two birds with one stone, cool.  If not, 
> that’s also fine.
> In terms of things we can do to make this community more vibrant, making it 
> easier for crazy new ideas to start here is a great step forward.  I think we 
> need a couple crazy new ideas to seed that, hence the idea to donate Sheldon 
> and Chatterbox.
> -David

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