> On Aug 9, 2018, at 4:28 AM, Gurkan Erdogdu <cgerdo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you also please open JIRA issue (main issue and we
> can create sub-tasks under it) to track MP related work?

Agreed.  And for those reading, our release notes are generated from JIRA (or 
at least they used to be).  So we should file JIRAs with the subject written 
from the perspective of someone reading the release notes.  That's clean and 
simple subjects.

It would be very common for me to file a handful of JIRAs even though one would 
do it from a tracking perspective.  It was also common for me to go back 
through commits at release time and spend 2 days filing them because the 
release notes were too thin.

Here's the template:


As far as JIRAs, I'd probably aim for release notes looking like this:

     - ...
    New Features:
     - MicroProfile 1.3 Support
     - MicroProfile JWT 1.0
     - MicroProfile FaultTolerance 1.0
     [list them all cleanly]
That'd mean you'd have to file a JIRA of type "New Feature" with the clean 
subject "MicroProfile JWT 1.0."  If you used talkative text like, "Adding some 
MP-JWT Stuff", you'll get strange looking release notes.

     - ...
    New Features:
     - Implement MP in TomEE
     [list them all cleanly]

    Tasks & Subtasks:
     - Update the pom.xml with MP-JWT
     - Fix integration issue with JWT Filter
     [list them all cleanly]

This doesn't clearly communicate our status to the world and just puts more 
work on the release manager who would have to ensure the release notes make 
sense, so it's to not just file JIRAs, but think of the future release note 
readers when we file them.


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