Hi Sophie,

On 09/21/09 20:15, Sophie wrote:
> - No documentation on the interaction between EIS and QUASTe (or I
> didn't find it and yes I can write it by myself ;). There is still one
> button that I don't understand in QUASTe that sound to have an impact on
> EIS. Also I'm not sure that what you (Sun) see is what I (community)
> see, we do not have access to the same interfaces.

I assume you mean the button 'Submit status to EIS' when analyzing
testresults on a CWS.
Normally if all required autotests via testbot are finished the testbot
triggers QUASTe to evaluate the testresults created by VCLTesttool.
QUASTe then will sent its allover status (green or red) to EIS
application. Those buttons (sent status 'green' or 'red' to EIS) give
the possibility to overide the status in EIS or to sent a status
manually if it could'nt be sent automatically due to e.g. network or
other problems. Only the QA-Representative has the possibilty to submit
this status (login required) that's the reason why it isn't visible to
all browsing QUASTe. I promise to update the documentation[1]
Regarding QUASTe there are no limitations what Community can see. Both
(internal and community QUASTe) are using the same database. The only
reason for us to use an "internal" QUASTe is to have the possibility to
sent testresults created by autotests automatically to database from
within our internal network.

> - No access to TCS repository (that mean that being a community member,
> you don't access all the tools involved in the process).
> All in all, as a community member, you just have the feeling that it's
> very very difficult to contribute to CWS QA, when for some CWS of
> course, it may not be more complicated than following the localization
> process for example.

TCS tooling indeed is a SUN-internal tool that was developed by me
before OOo was open-sourced. Currently the testcase specifications are
exported each friday[2]
We know about the lack to have this tool available for the community.
Currently I'm working on a new TCS tooling that will be integrated into
QUASTe and will be available hopefully by end of this year.

Best Regards


Sun Microsystems GmbH           Helge Delfs
Nagelsweg 55                    Quality Assurance Engineer
20097 Hamburg                   OOo Team Lead Automation
http://qa.openoffice.org        mailto:h...@openoffice.org
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