On Jul 14, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:

Should we not even build support for it?
I think IBCM CPC build should be enabled by default. The IBCM is supplied with OFED so it should not be any problem during install.

Ok. But remember that there are at least some OS's where /dev/ucm* do *not* get created by default for some unknown reason (even though IBCM is installed).

PRO: don't even allow the possibility of running with it, because we know that there are issues with the ibcm userspace library (i.e., reduce problem reports from users)

PRO: users don't have to have libibcm installed on compute nodes (we've actually gotten some complaints about this)
We got compliances only for case when ompi was build on platform with IBCM and after it was run on platform without IBCM. Also we did not have option to disable the ibcm during compilation. So actually it was no way to install OMPI on compute node. We added the option and the problem was resolved. In most cases the OFED install is the same on all nodes and it should not be any problem to build IBCM support by default.

Ok, sounds good.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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