Hi Jeff,
no, that's not an issue. The comment is correct: For any Fortran integer*kind 
we need to have _some_ C-representation as well, otherwise we disregard the 
type (tm), see e.g. the old  and resolved ticket #1094.
The representation chosen is set in opal/util/arch.c and is conclusive as far 
as I can tell...

We do however still have a buglet with FCFLAGS='-i8 -r16', but that's with our 
internal storage of [cdw]_f_to_c_index, so it's a different issue (ticket 


PS: I especially like the comment in opal/util/arch.c ;-):
    /* sizeof fortran logical
     * RHC: technically, use of the ompi_ prefix is
     * an abstraction violation. However, this is actually
     * an error in our configure scripts that transcends
     * all the data types and eventually should be fixed.
     * The guilty part is f77_check.m4. Fixing it right
     * now is beyond a reasonable scope - this comment is
     * placed here to explain the abstraction break and
     * indicate that it will eventually be fixed

On Tuesday 02 June 2009 09:57:46 am Jeff Squyres wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 9:08 AM, Rainer Keller wrote:
> > > Rainer -- is it safe for Ralph to move the arch.c stuff back up into
> > > OMPI, or will that conflict with your stuff?
> >
> > Yes, we use it.
> > Please leave it at the OPAL layer. We need a way to describe and
> > store the
> > remote architecture at the OPAL layer.
> Question about the fortran stuff in opal/util/arch.c...
> I see the following comment:
> ** The fortran integer is dismissed here, since there is no
> ** platform known to me, were fortran and C-integer do not match
> You can tell the intel compiler (and maybe others?) to compile fortran
> with double-sized integers and reals.  Are we disregarding this?
> I.e., does this make this portion of the datatype heterogeneity
> detection incorrect?

Rainer Keller, PhD                  Tel: +1 (865) 241-6293
Oak Ridge National Lab          Fax: +1 (865) 241-4811
PO Box 2008 MS 6164           Email: kel...@ornl.gov
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-2008    AIM/Skype: rusraink

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