On Jun 2, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Rainer Keller wrote:

no, that's not an issue. The comment is correct: For any Fortran integer*kind we need to have _some_ C-representation as well, otherwise we disregard the
type (tm), see e.g. the old  and resolved ticket #1094.
The representation chosen is set in opal/util/arch.c and is conclusive as far
as I can tell...

Doesn't that mean that the comment is misleading? I interpret it as saying that a Fortran "default integer" is always the same as a C "int". I believe that you are saying that it really means that *any* kind of Fortran integer must be the same as one of C's integral types, or OpenMPI won't support it at all. Shouldn't the comment be clearer?


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