Just to clarify things and close the matter there.

In my day job I work for a small family owned company, so I know what it
means to work with limited resources and tight budget.

The only way I see developers (especially independent or hobbies) having
the latest versions is if they don't buy them and download them illegally
from torrents add to the cost the different devices you want to support the
cost hits the ceiling.

Let's see: Win7 home: 90euro, Win8: 90euro, a new PC running either of
these >500euro. BlackBerry Q10: 330euro, Z10: 215euro, Z30: 450euro,
PlayBook: 240euro (a year a go when I bought it 500euro), iPad2: 383euro,
iPhone4: 320euro, Jolla: 350euro

Besides the new PC and the Windows versions which I don't have, it's how
much I've spend and believe me it's not enough for a game to run on the
simulator. Recently I received an email that one of my games didn't run on
the Z10 even though there was no problem with the tablet and the Q10 or
even on the simulator and another situation that there was a problem under
the Z30. I had to go and buy these two. Similarly with iPad mini,
thankfully I borrowed  from a friend.

No the simulator is not enough.

Finally Microsoft has only ended WinXP support for the masses. At work
because we use dedicated hardware we use WinXP embedded and like banks'
ATMs we have support from Microsoft not only for our systems, but also we
have support for our development machines running plain WinXP.

Anyway as I said I am only porting the company's games to various mobile
platforms and not creating dedicated apps/games for each platform, so they
are fully debugged on the PC and I only have to consider differences for
the various platforms. So far I've managed to keep the games source
compatible with the differences of each platform separated inside
#ifdef/#endif blocks.

Thank you and I won't bother you with this again. Have a good day
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