Have thought it, either on a different partition or even using a different
disk (I've already done it once for Mac OS X. I bought the OS and created a
Hackintosh on an external USB disk, the cheapest semi-legal method for
developing for the iOS), even considered having a live disk and my source
files and applications on a different disk.

I'll resolve to this solution the moment I can no longer use WinXP. I'll
have to learn the new OS and find and install applications similar to the
ones I now use and have bought.
Linux is not panacea.
Unfortunately not all hardware is 100% compatible with Linux. For instance
my USB camera which is skype compatible under Linux the built-in microphone
doesn't work. There are days I work from home so skype is a must for me,
for my day job.

An HP scanner that I have, has buttons that automatically scan and send to
the printer or to a pdf file under Linux don't work and even my USB printer
doesn't work 100%. The auto feeder doesn't work under Linux or Mac OS X, if
I want to print on both sides, I have το send first the odd pages, then
manually turn them over and then send the even numbered pages.
So no for me Linux isn't going to be my main OS.
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