On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 03:37:10 Alexander Ladygin wrote:
> I've got an issue: QNetworkAccessManager is losing connection upon
> switching between wifi and mobile:( What exactly should i do/update to make
> it work properly? Maybe need to change network configuration? Why it is not
> handled by platform?

There is some support for migrating connections to the new interface. QNAM 
supports resuming GET operations under the following conditions:

1. Only GET requests are resumed.
2. No outgoing data.
3. Server supports HTTP Accept-Ranges.
4. Does not work with QNAM's zero-copy feature.
5. Must be using bearer management.

For other operations and GET requests that do not meet the above, you will 
need to handle the network disconnection and resend the request.


Aaron McCarthy
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