> On 11 Nov 2015, at 8:09 pm, Lorn Potter <lorn.pot...@jolla.com> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Having tested this, it does seem to be a bug in that when connecting to wlan

I should have specified here when already connected to mobile data and then 
connecting to wlan without first disconnecting mobile data.

> , QNAM’s networkAccessibility sometimes will go to NotAccessible, but then go 
> to Accessible when wlan connects. or sometimes it won’t even go to 
> NotAccessible then Accessible when wlan is connected.
> You should be able to track QNAM through its networkAccessibilty property. it 
> should follow the online state, unless you specifically set it to 
> NotAccessible.
> QNAM uses QNetworkConfiguration internally, and it should automatically 
> switch this to the current Active configuration.
> -
> Lorn
>> On 10 Nov 2015, at 10:37 am, Alexander Ladygin <fake...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey!
>> I've got an issue: QNetworkAccessManager is losing connection upon switching 
>> between wifi and mobile:( What exactly should i do/update to make it work 
>> properly? Maybe need to change network configuration? Why it is not handled 
>> by platform?
>> Thanks.
>> Alex
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