Hi Alex,

Having tested this, it does seem to be a bug in that when connecting to wlan, 
QNAM’s networkAccessibility sometimes will go to NotAccessible, but then go to 
Accessible when wlan connects. or sometimes it won’t even go to NotAccessible 
then Accessible when wlan is connected.

You should be able to track QNAM through its networkAccessibilty property. it 
should follow the online state, unless you specifically set it to NotAccessible.

QNAM uses QNetworkConfiguration internally, and it should automatically switch 
this to the current Active configuration.


> On 10 Nov 2015, at 10:37 am, Alexander Ladygin <fake...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey!
> I've got an issue: QNetworkAccessManager is losing connection upon switching 
> between wifi and mobile:( What exactly should i do/update to make it work 
> properly? Maybe need to change network configuration? Why it is not handled 
> by platform?
> Thanks.
> Alex
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