On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 10:22, Marc Aurele La France wrote:
> Frankly, I don't see how this EFI MDT can be accurate given that, in
> general, whether or not a particular PCI memory assignment will tolerate
> caching and/or write-combining is highly device-specific.  That would be a
> horrific PCI device database for EFI to maintain.

My understanding (albeit limited) from correspondence with HP is that it
is the "chipset" that determines this. On current HP ia64 they use the
ZX1 chipset which only does non-cached access on PCI. Thus if firmware
knows there is a ZX1 chipset it knows how the memory region will be
handled. Apparently EFI also seems to know about GARTs. Intel boxes used
a different chipset but share EFI and the kernel code so it should be
behave the same.

I'm leery of misinterpreting some of the correspondence so is the actual
text from some of it, if you draw different conclusions let me know.

John> What had been confusing at this end is the notion that ROM by
John> definition can never be incoherent, therefore cached
John> vs. non-cached should be irrelevant.

HP> Ah, I see that point.  The problem in this case is that the
HP> chipset may support different types of access to different
HP> regions.  (That's part of what the EFI MDT tells you.)  The ZX1
HP> chipset doesn't support cacheable access to any MMIO space,
HP> regardless of whether that space happens to contain RAM, ROM,
HP> device CSRs, etc.

John> The problem if I understand correctly is that the access was not
John> consistent with the EFI table defining what the memory attribute
John> needed to be. Bottom line, its EFI that determines cachability,
John> not a prori knowledge of the memory characteristics being
John> mapped.

HP> Right.  And the underlying chipset determines what goes in the EFI
HP> table.


John> This made me think about the MAP_WRITECOMBINED flag passed to
John> mmap. The current scheme has EFI responsible for determining the
John> cached vs.  non-cached memory attribute, the user should not be
John> specifying such a memory attribute. Write combining or write
John> coalescing is one variant of a non-cached memory attribute on
John> ia64 that is used for frame buffers. My understanding is that
John> EFI will be ignorant of this memory attribute and the
John> MAP_WRITECOMBINED remains a valid flag to pass. I also assume
John> that passing this flag replaces an ma value of 4 (uncached) with
John> 6 (uncached write coalescing) and that such a replacement,
John> outside the scope of the EFI MDT is valid because both share the
John> uncached attribute. Correct?

HP> The EFI MDT does have a bit for WC, but I don't know of any ia64
HP> platform that sets it.  I removed support for MAP_WRITECOMBINED in
HP> the 2.4.19 patch because we don't have a good way of using it
HP> safely.  (Even if there were an ia64 platform that claimed to
HP> support it, we'd have to be very careful to avoid the attribute
HP> aliasing problem.  The fact that kernel identity mappings don't
HP> have page tables and are inserted in 64Mb (or maybe 16Mb) chunks
HP> means that we'd have to somehow ensure that a 64Mb chunk that
HP> contained a WC mapping could never also be mapped WB.)

HP> From the user side, MAP_WRITECOMBINED can still be specified; we
HP> just ignore it in the kernel.  This used to be used for AGP, but
HP> all ia64 GARTs are now run in coherent mode, so there's no need
HP> for WC.

HP> It is possible for multiple attributes to be supported, so it's
HP> conceivable that we could look at user requests for special
HP> mappings.  For example, the i2000 supports both UC and WB mappings
HP> of main memory.  But at the moment, I don't think there's an
HP> actual need for such a feature, and the fact that we don't have
HP> kernel page tables would complicate adding it.

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