John Dennis writes:
 > I will confess my understanding is weak when it comes to low level bus
 > interactions, but I'm learning more eveytime I have to tackle these
 > issues ;-)
 > Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought things like caching and
 > write-combining are not properties of the PCI device, rather they are
 > properties of the memory system upstream of the PCI device, e.g.
 > bridges, memory controllers, and the MMU in the CPU.


 > The PCI configuration does provide various pieces of information which
 > help determine how the device can be accessed, e.g. pre-fetch, latency,
 > cache line size etc. All of this is available to firmware. Wouldn't all
 > this be sufficient for firmware to make the right decisions?

That's what I would like to know. I was hoping our contacts to HW
vendors would provide us answers to these questions.
Some of these questions seemed to have been answered in one of your
previous posts - at least as far as HP's IA64 boxes are concerend.
The chipset simply definces *all* IO (access to PCI buses) as
uncached. So nobody bothers to derive such properties from information
provided by the PCI devices.

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