Bryan W. Headley writes:
 > Egbert Eich wrote:
 > >  Claus Matthiesen writes:
 > > 
 > > I may have been imprecise. You can register a pen that hasn't been
 > > seen before by bringing it close to the tablet so that the tablet
 > > detects it. You cannot remove a pen once it is moved out of the
 > > proximity of the tablet. Only if the tablet itself is unhooked (or
 > > otherwise unregistered) you must forget all its devices.
 > > 
 > Well, you *could* unload a device driver by moving the pen away from the 
 > tablet. I wonder about the usefulness of this, but you could keep a 
 > timestamp of the last event read from pen 'x', and if, say, it hasn't 
 > sent anything in 5 minutes, it's device driver can issue a request to 
 > unload it to some manager. Problem is,
 > 1. Not all styluses have serial numbers, so not all tablets could 
 > support this. (But so what; that's why you get the tablet with the most 
 > features and the best device drivers...)

OK, then we cannot destinquish between styluses of the same type.
That's fine, just one device gets registered.

 > 2. The driver is only "woken" up when some input device it has control 
 > of sends data. No-one could rely on it accurately knowing when 5 minutes 
 > are up.

The driver isn't associated with the individual pen. It is associuated
with the tablet. The client sees each pen as a separate device. 

 > > 
 > > That's a good question. Partly because some still consider this
 > > mailing list being focussed on graphics hardware issues?
 > > The GUI folks are not very interested in this. There is another
 > > mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] which was established to communicate
 > > with those groups that are building on top of X.
 > > 
 > They should be, because I'll next start talking about hot-plugging 
 > monitors, something which does happen in server rooms. And before any of 
 > you ask why an admin would run X locally on a server in the server room, 
 > consider the Win32 admin, who thinks it natural to have a login screen 
 > on every one of his machines. They are out there...

Hot plugging monitors is another issue I wanted to deal with for 
the last 3 years.

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