> On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 09:47:27AM +0200, Brandon Friedman
> > [...]
> > In other words - I will have to wait for e-smith or some other supergeek
> > (just kidding) to do this for me?
> Kidding aside, _any_ active content is a potential security risk. It must
> carefully assessed and installed with minimal rights. That's why we do
> such as moving everything outside the scope of the web server - not doing
> so is asking for trouble.

No I understand of course ..... Charlie mentioned having to write an alias
url script ... I that something that is complex or could I possibly use the
webmail script as a guide?

If I plan to run one of these applications on a local network only and give
only local users access (and a password on my i-bay) will this be secure

> > In the mean time Charlie, as was done with the webmail, I will keep try
> > testing different products. Mainly TWIG and phpgroupware. I will post my
> > findings and howtos on this list!
> Your features and look&feel testing is very useful. Moving from testing to
> deployment is actually a lot harder than it looks, for the reasons above.

As this feature isn't the highest proirity for me , I won't place to many
more postings about it. I am just interested to see if anybody has attempted
to get these applications working and to find out the guide lines that
e-smith recommed for such a project!


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