Hi All,

I've been sitting here quietly watching the posting over the past 
couple of days. And no I'm ready to put in my $0.02 worth.

I choose to do a clean install rather than an upgrade from 4.1b2.

The hardware is as follows
Dell PowerEdge 2400 with Dual PIII 667 processors, 256MB RAM, Dell 
PERC 2/Si SCSI RAID controller with a 25GB RAID 1 container. 

The install started and finished without a hitch. 
Ran through the configuation with no gliches. 

I had the same problem (not really a problem, more of an issue) as 
everyone else with trying to telnet in as root. But, seeing as how I 
write the Security Watch column for "Maximum Linux", I tend to agree 
with Gordon and the other e-smith developers, that forcing 
administrators to use SSH to remote login as root is a good thing. 
That said, why don't you do the same with "admin" after all root and 
admin use the same password.

I setup my 4.1b3 box to accept mail for any of the other servers on 
my local network and then relay internally to them. I did this by 
editing the smtpd_check_rules template. (Peter, I did this instead of 
using the delegate mail server option on the web interface, because I 
needed local delivery too) And was very surprised at how easy it was 
to figure out. I take back all the nasty things I said about 
switching to obtuse-smtp. (OH wait, those comments were only muttered 
under my breath ;-)  )
The only reason I mention this is because I got lazy and rebooted 
after editing the template to make it take effect, but it didn't. I 
had to force a consol-save signal-event for the changes to take 
effect.  Is this a bug? With 4.0.1 I was under the impression that 
rebooting forced all templates to be run. 

Other than that, 4.1b3 is wonderful!!  Keep up the great work!! 

I am now going to put the server through it's paces.

Dean Staff
Protus IP Solutions
210 - 2435 Holly Lane
Ottawa, ON K1V 7P2 Canada
613-733-0000 ex 546 Fax 613-248-4553
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.protus.com

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