On Wednesday 12 December 2007 10:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well. For my personal taste it is necessary to be technical to a degree.
> To propose to use "Freenet" for everything is not correct.
> There is
> - the "Freenet Project" - the overall project, just like "Mozilla 
Firefox", "Microsoft Windows", etc.
> - the "Freenet" - the network and it's structure - like "the Internet"
> - the "Freenet", again - as the complete concept how the network shall work
> - the "node" - a more theoretical descrition of a participant, a 
singe "point", of and within the network
> - the node's implementation "FRED" ("Freenet REference Daemon") - the java 
program within the .jar, that, when run, provides functionalies of a node
> - the node's HTTP-user interface "FProxy" - to browse freesites, enter other 
node/FRED references, see statistics, etc.
> and you want to smush everything together to a single term "Freenet" ?!!

No, in this case it is being used as "the application Freenet", which is quite 
specific and reasonably obvious to the user.
> Like "I downloaded teh Internet" ;)

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