2009/4/3 Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de>:
> Am Freitag 03 April 2009 00:44:37 schrieb Ian Clarke:
>> If we go with git and github they do support post-receive hooks:
>> http://github.com/guides/post-receive-hooks
>> I think the workflow can and should be very similar to what it is
>> currently, with developers pushing to a single authoritative repository.
> The same is true for hg and bitbucket.org (though the corresponding Mercurial
> hook is "incoming").
> But both also offer far more possibilities.
> For example the question arises how to deal with pseudonymous contributions.
> If you take a psudonymous patch, how to take care of the copyright?

DVCS does _NOT_ means accepting anonymous contribution.

However, if we want to, there is nothing stopping us.

This is no different from what we have been doing.
Lots of translation come from anonymous.
And I have been committing under the name "Daniel Cheng",
but nobody have ever verified my id.


> PS: For strengths and weaknesses of hg and git (and bzr), you can have a look
> at the excellent DVCS PEP of Python. They analysed which DVCS would be suited
> best for their different usecases:
> - http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0374/

Hg is written in python.
I have no question they can script Hg like me scripting Git..
This is an extra advantage for them, but not us.
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