Java 6 ships with a web server:

As Pouyan, you just want to be able to take some basic HTML/JavaScript
and server them up from.
This can be done from a single servlet utilizing a templating engine
aproach. Velocity is great
for this, but, again, it's still a lot to take on, given that the
needs are modest.

It would be fairly simple to borrow Velocity's macro syntax and
substitute properties into
templates (merge as they say in Velocity) using Regex. This would also
likely easy localization.

IMO, best to keep the content separate from mechanics... All content
files (HTML/JavaScript)
should be editable using HTML editing tools (TextPad!) and viewable straight up.

>>* > I must agree with the fact that Struts and similar frameworks 
>>(Wicket)*>>* > are too huge to be delivered with Freenet.*>>**>>* I have seen 
>>struts in action... DON'T DO IT! :)*>>**>>* IMO it would be *alot* of work to 
>>port, for a negative benefit (it*>>* would be bigger, slower to start, slower 
>>to run, harder to maintain...).*>>**>**>* Bombe's lightweight templating code 
>>is quite interesting too. It's actually faster than our current code, but 
>>it'd be a fair bit of work to port it.*>**>* We should discuss this some 
>>more. I think Ian has some experience in these things?*>**
I think we all agree on avoiding Struts or Wicket because they are too
big to be bundled in Freenet. However the motivation is to implement
MVC architecture to have a tidy separation between components
responsible for view and those responsible for managing and processing
data. Being able to manage JavaScript (e.g. AJAX) is only a side

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