On Mon, 2015-10-05 at 12:52 -0500, Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 12:57 AM, xor <x...@freenetproject.org> wrote:
> > 
> > >    - Maven/Gradle are now de-facto standard build systems for
> > > Java apps,
> > >    and yet we're still using Ant (I was never convinced by the
> > > security
> > >    argument against these tools, since we don't audit 3rd-party
> > > libraries
> > >    anyway)
> > 
> > There are 2 aspects here:
> > 
> > 1) The security issue.
> > 
> Right, but it appears that solutions exist for this with Gradle.

Great. Last time we've looked into it they didn't.

> > 2) What can Maven do which Ant cannot do? Do we need those
> > features?
> > 
> Dependency management, and more importantly, Maven (and more recently
> Gradle) have become pretty-much industry standards, almost no new
> Java
> project uses Ant.  If we want to attract new contributors, the fact
> that we
> have an outdated build system will be a turn-off for them.

You can push further and ask, are there new projects written in java?
And the answer is very likely no; that's not what the cool kids are
doing nowadays. Are you also suggesting that we should migrate the
codebase to scala? or something else?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for modernizing the build system... I just
doubt that it should be the priority of the few people who still
contribute. We all know Ant well enough to build freenet as is. Does
anyone know both the codebase and Gradle well enough to do the
transition? Nothing prevents us from having both Ant and Gradle build
scripts while the quirks are ironed out.

We've reached the stage where we hardly have the resources to merge
what's contributed (out of the three examples you've picked, we had two
of them on non-merged branches - the website and travis configs)...
That goes to show how resource bound we currently are. Changing the
build system is even more involved... as it entails updating the
release scripts (that should also be gradle-ified).

For once that you suggest doing something that doesn't involve "just"
the user-experience, I'm really pressed to be supportive... but I am
afraid that I don't know Gradle well enough to be of any help.


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