Ian Clarke writes:

> I've written a proposal for how we can do this, based on my learnings over a
> decade and a half of managing software projects (mostly commercial).
> Feedback from the core team has been positive so-far, with the main objection
> being that it may be too elaborate for our needs. I think it can be 
> implemented
> easily enough with intelligent use of Google Docs and a little bit of elbow
> grease, which I'm ok with providing if others can help.

Someone has to proxy for the people in Freenet (FMS, Sone, FLIP,

> https://gist.github.com/sanity/4cf3b1c3484bdb9926d71bc9c4fc0341
> Thoughts?

The intro shows values from 1 to 100, the later description uses 1 to
1000. I do not think 1000 points are useful in terms of limited
volunteer time resources. How about making it 20? This then requires
explicitly *not* putting any value on certain tasks, which is the most
important decision to take here: What do we *not* need to do right now?

As cost-metric I would suggest using full-time person-weeks. Reasons:

- We have money for ~20 of these. That’s a number we can easily handle.
- Cost is very different from salary (by roughly factor 2). Time isn’t.
- Any feature which looks like it could be implemented in one day is
  likely implementable within one week.
- $5000 sounds like a lot. But it’s just 4 full-time person-weeks for
  the people who already know about Freenet — others would have to get
  into the code first, so the price per feature would be similar.
- There is no task which is worth the time to describe it here which can
  be finished in less than a week. If it can be done in less than a
  week, we should just do it right away instead of discussing how much
  time it requires.

Finally: The text is far too long. A description for the method needs to
fit on a 14pt A5 page.

Best wishes,

¹: Yes, Frost people are part of Freenet, too.
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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