Uh? You have to mark in-memory objects as unused to get rid of them?

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Matthew Toseland
<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> On Monday 19 May 2008 15:24, Matthew Toseland wrote:
>> On Monday 19 May 2008 14:47, Matthew Toseland wrote:
>> > On Monday 19 May 2008 11:34, Matthew Toseland wrote:
>> > > On Sunday 18 May 2008 19:44, Ian Clarke wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > Looking at the manual, it looks like Perst operates at a lower level
>> > > > than db4o - you need to manually create and maintain indexes.  This is
>> > > > closer to the Java collections API, which could be good because its
>> > > > more familiar, but it leaves more opportunities for the programmer to
>> > > > screw up, which is bad.
>> > >
>> > > IMHO we will get better performance and fewer screwups from a more
>> familiar
>> > > API.
>> > > >
>> > > > My preference for db4o is based mainly on my familiarity with it, the
>> > > > fact that it is more widely used, and the fact that it superficially
>> > > > appears to have a more credible company behind it.
>> > > >
>> > > > None of these is a solid justification for choosing one option over
>> > > > the other, but they all suggest that db4o is the way to go.
>> > >
>> > > We should, as bback suggests, test Perst, see what happens when it runs
>> out
>> > of
>> > > disk space. I will look into it soon.
>> >
>> > Completed testing. Perst fails gracefully on running out of disk space in
>> > between writes. The database is readable after the failed commit, and if I
>> > take away the bigfile occupying all the disk space, we can even write to
> it.
>> >
>> > How about we go with Perst?
>> One big disadvantage for Perst: no online backup! No transactions may
> execute
>> while backup is in progress. :(
>> Generally speaking Perst is significantly lower level than db4o. This isn't
>> necessarily a bad thing, it allows fine control and possibly better
>> performance... For example, all persistent objects in Perst must extend
>> Persistent (1 pointer 2 ints overhead), or implement IPersistent (which
>> involves copying code from Persistent)... or implement IValue, which allows
>> an inline value to be stored with the parent object, or java serialization
>> (but in that case the object must not refer to any persistent objects).
> Actually, Perst is significantly higher level than db4o in one important
> respect: it has garbage collection. In db4o you have to explicitly delete
> everything.
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