On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 7:34 AM, Matthew Toseland
<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> We decided to get rid of the firefox profile, because it was becoming the
> default profile on a few users' systems, causing severe problems as the user
> didn't know what a browser profile is let alone how to switch back to the
> default one.
> This meant freenet would typically be browsed by the user in their normal web
> browser, leaving two problems:
> 1. The browser history - freesites browsed would end up in their browser
> history, which could easily be probed by malicious web sites on the Internet.
> 2. Performance - Freenet requests frequently take a long time, but web
> browsers allow a very limited number of parallel connections to a single
> host; it would be much better to have lots of connections in parallel.

> We had hoped that the first problem could be solved by "history cloaking",
> i.e. adding a ?secureid= parameter to each URL. This would depend on the URL
> being accessed, and on a node-specific random string. The browse scripts have
> been updated to open the correct initial URL, links in freesites and in
> fproxy have been fixed. Unfortunately, there is a serious problem with
> this ...
> If a user inserts a file, then copies the URL to announce it, and forgets to
> convert the URL into a key by stripping off the ?secureid= at the end and the
><port>/ at the beginning, it will still be usable; the
> receiving user may need to strip the key, but the beginning bit is already
> stripped by fproxy. But a malicious attacker can then probe for this URL
> (using standard history stealing), assuming they can get the user to visit a
> website they control. Just because the user has visited the site with the
> original secureid doesn't mean they inserted it, but if a user other than the
> original inserter visits it, they will get a warning page asking them to
> clear their browser history ... clearly it is an unacceptable risk.

Usability / Integration
There are some user still using frost (it is getting less spam when i
last checked).
People copy and parse freenet uri from frost to browser. This hurt
people copying
link from IM (skype/icq/msn/jabber) to browser too.

> For now, I will add an extra stage to the first-time wizard, asking whether
> the user wants history cloaking and explaining the caveats either way. But
> really the solution is a proper Freenet UI where we have a Key bar rather
> than a Location bar. This can be implemented in a regular browser with
> javascript, or it can be implemented (more cleanly and safely, and solving
> several other problems) by building a dedicated Freenet browser, as saces has
> started to work on.
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