On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Florent Daigni?re
<nextgens at freenetproject.org> wrote:
> * svenerichoffmann at gmx.de <svenerichoffmann at gmx.de> [2009-01-18 
> 00:50:17]:
>> I think the only "real" solution to guarantee safety
>> is a dedicated freenet browser.
>> Trying to control the behaviour and  safety of standard browsers
>> is serious problematic. As Webmaster i know how much information
>> can be gained from visitors.
>> A dedicated browser would also give full control about timings
>> and how much connections to fproxy are made.
> Agreed, toad is going on the wrong path here... Just tell the user that
> he *needs* to use a separate browser, if he doesn't do so, it's *his*
> problem.
> You've already spent hours^wdays implementing the useless history
> cloacking thingy (which can be easily bypassed anyway), you've
>  added one step in the wizard (previously we had an argument
>  because you wanted me to keep down to a minimum the number
> of steps) and no one is happy with the current solution!
> Not even you!


This is the kind of code i consider ugly:
 - invasive
   cross across many layers and class,
   when you are "fix"ing the link twice, you know there are some
fundamental design problem.
   this kind of magic discourage casual code/patch contributor
 - not fixing the real problem ( there are other ways to know if you
are running freenet.
    for example, just include a <img src="";
onLoad="freenetLoaded();" />
    then the website can 99.999% sure you have freenet installed ).
Freenet is illegal in many
    place and *will be* illegal everywhere soon.
 - reduce usability (copy uri from frost / im )

Maybe we should try the another way round: detect if the user use the
same browser
for other web sites and issue a big fat warning for this.

>> I think having a taskbar icon siganalizing that freenet service is runing
>> and giving some options to configure freenet while runing and offering
>> to start the "freenet" browser would be fine and convinient thing.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Matthew Toseland" <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org>
>> To: <devl at freenetproject.org>
>> Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 12:34 AM
>> Subject: [freenet-dev] History cloaking sucks
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