In general, currently the list of usability issues I have filed can be seen 


On Friday 22 May 2009 18:31:46 Cl?ment wrote:
> Hi all,
> First, let's see the current situation :
> #Navigation :
> 9 items is really the max we can afford. Currently there are 9 items, but
> they aren't all necessary, and can confuse the newbies.
> #Browse Freenet page :
> The ?Search Freenet? field and bookmarks are definitly a good thing.
> However, why do we have :
> ?Fetch a key? : we don't want to fetch a key, we want to browse Freenet.

Fetching a key is a CORE functionality, it is like the address bar in an 
internet browser! If the Freenet community is alive, it will happen very often 
that people paste each others Freenet URIs via IM, email, etc. It HAS to be 
easy to enter a Freenet URI. 

> ?Current Activity? : idem
> #Messages :
> I agree we need to inform user when something is wrong. However, for the
> bookmarks, it's not the good place.
> I don't think either that there should be one page just for the messages :
> sometimes there is no message, it just wastes space.
> #Connections to friends + connections to strangers :
> Why 2 separate pages ? Why showing informations about the current activity
> of the node ?

Because we need the users to know very well that connections to strangers are 
DANGEROUS and should be avoided. If the friend connections page is separate, 
it helps having a clear overview over your friends list.

Further, strangers are not interesting, so they should not bloat your friends 
page, especially if we consider that there will be more "social functions" on 
the friends page in the future.

> #Internet Connection :
> ??? It doesn't even work here... And when it works, it shows debug
> informations or really advanced ones. Why a level 1 page for that ? (why a
> page for that in fact..)

I have already filed a bug for getting rid of the internet connection page, I 
really think it is bare legacy and should be removed.

> or display a message like 'This feature is not yet available. Please use
> ?jSite / Thingamablog /
> the-other-freesite-manager-I-don't-remember-the-name? instead.' Possibility
> to add some instructions, like how to make a freesite available for all.

This is a very good idea!

> Propose to clear all the finished downloads.
> Propose to clear or stop the downloads one-by-one (as now).
> Add a checkbox to all downloads, and propose and action for the selected dl
> (like in the connection to friends page).

"Clear all" options would be very useful, yes. Maybe with checkboxes and some 
javascript to check them all.

> Insert as :
> * CHK : explain what it is
> * SSK/USK : idem
> * KSK : idem + ask for the name

Explanation would be a VERY good idea, consider this:


> Don't show the opennet ref : we don't need it, do we ?

If you want to become a seednode you need to submit it to the development team 
so it gets added manually in the seednodes.fref

- Can't we write a "crawler" mode for fred so it can automatically harvest 
seednodes on opennet? Many people will have enabled seednode mode but not 
submitted their reference because they do not know that they have to do it: On 
most other p2p networks, you don't have to.

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