Le dimanche 24 mai 2009 16:52:00, xor a ?crit :
> On Friday 22 May 2009 23:38:35 Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > On Friday 22 May 2009 17:31:46 Cl?ment wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > First, let's see the current situation :
> > >
> > >
> > > #Navigation :
> > >
> > > 9 items is really the max we can afford. Currently there are 9 items,
> > > but they aren't all necessary, and can confuse the newbies.
> >
> > Agreed, we need sub-menus.
> >
> > > #Browse Freenet page :
> > >
> > > The ?Search Freenet? field and bookmarks are definitly a good thing.
> > > However, why do we have :
> > > ?Fetch a key? : we don't want to fetch a key, we want to browse
> > > Freenet.
> >
> > Some users DO want to fetch a key. But maybe it should be on the queue
> > page.
> I disagree. Fetching a key in Freenet is like entering an address in an
> internet browser, it should be very obvious where to do it!
> > In which case we don't show the menu item.
> >
> > If we put all the messages on the main page in full, they take up so much
> > space that newbies don't see the rest of the page.
> >
> > There are a number of messages that take up multiple slots on the message
> > list when they should really just post a summary and point to another
> > page where they are in full (e.g. n2ntms should be on the friends page,
> > bookmark updates on the browse freenet page).
> >
> > We should probably either
> > 1) not link the messages page from the main menu, but keep it, or
> > 2) make messages expand themselves when you click on them
> I think we should just keep the messages page a separate one, it is very
> useful because you can get an overview of ALL news in your node: Finished
> downloads, uploads, updated freesite, node-to-node messages from friends.
> It is very useful if you regularly visit your node and want to know if
> something has happened.
> But expanding the messages via javascript is a nice idea, yes.

Hmm, I don't agree here : we need to have something like a status bar to have 
a quick overview of the node status, but have a separate message page. It's 
one click more than the actual situation to have a detailed status. I think 
that's reasonable.

> > > #Connections to friends + connections to strangers :
> > >
> > > Why 2 separate pages ?
> >
> > Because they are different! Friends and Strangers are completely
> > different IMHO. Friends have names, you can send them text messages, etc.
> > Strangers are just numbers - normal users don't care about their IP
> > address, etc.
> Full ACK. Friends page HAS to be separate to encourage users to establish
> darknet connections. Maybe we should even write something about Freenet
> becoming faster with more friend connections - if that's true?
> - More download speed is usually something which can help to encourage
> users to do something.
> > Putting the messages *only* here is a bad idea. Some of these messages
> > are IMPORTANT. What we need to do is: - show the summary on the Browse
> > Freenet page and maybe others
> Summary should always been on Browse Freenet page, yes.

Summary should be on all the pages in the status bar. The browse page is *not* 
the freenet homepage, it is intended for browsing. We could have a homepage 
though, but we need to separate it from the browse page. We don't want to 
confuse the user, so we can't mix different functions in the same page.

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