Cl?ment wrote:

>>> The ?Search Freenet? field and bookmarks are definitly a good thing.
>>> However, why do we have :
>>> ?Fetch a key? : we don't want to fetch a key, we want to browse Freenet.
>> Fetching a key is a CORE functionality, it is like the address bar in an
>> internet browser! If the Freenet community is alive, it will happen very
>> often that people paste each others Freenet URIs via IM, email, etc. It HAS
>> to be easy to enter a Freenet URI.
> Well, in fact we won't get rid of the box to fetch a key from the browse 
> freenet page. Maybe rename it like "visit a freesite (paste the freesite 
> key)". Because there is a distinction between browsing freenet and 
> downloading 
> a key. So it should be on separate pages.

I think that both the key-fetching fields (bulk downloads and 
fetch-a-key) should be immediately visible when opening the Browse 
Freenet  and the DL/UL page respectivley..

Currently, they are positioned below the bookmarks and below the current 
download/uploads, respectively.
That means, adding a couple of bookmarks and/or a couple of items to the 
queue, you'll have to scroll down to see the key fetching fields. 
Repositioning each field to the top of their respective pages would be a 
good thing IMHO.

Also, the names.
'Visit a Freesite' may be a good name for the current 'Fetch a Key' 
field,  no need to tell 'Joe User' that he could use that field for 
downloading files, he'll do that in the UL/DL page.
Rename the 'Bulk Downloads' field to 'File Downloads' and change the 
text "You can paste a list of keys to download in the box below (one per 
line)" to a more concise "one key per line"

Those simple changes, renaming + repositioning, would make it more 
obvious how to use them to the non-geek user.

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