On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 11:43:55PM +0200, Nicolas Hernandez wrote:
> Hello,


> I take this as a request:
> 1. HTLM is not a templating language

Wicket's 'enriched' HTML is

> 2. GWT is just a Framework, not a software architecture

I've never said it is

> 3. "kick-ass design" is not a goal

I've never said it is either. What I was doing is reminding Ian (sanity) what
his points and arguments have been over the years.

He's the one who has been pushing for a rewrite of fproxy and as far as I
 understood, his train of thought so far has been the following:
- the design of the current interface sucks
=> we need to do something about it as it repels users
- good coders are bad designers...
- good designers are not coders...
=> we need a templating engine both can use and work with
- designers don't know nor use any templating engines
=> we need plain HTML so that designers can keep on using their favourite Adobe 

I've taken great care to reply to him, not to you. He's the project lead and
 says what we should be doing. I, as a faithful zealot, am merly asking for
 confirmation of what the plan is when directions change. 

> 4. "Code-maintainability and other software-engineering concerns are only
> secondary here" - definitely not agree

Great, well that's your problem, not mine. Who are you again?

> Some questions:
>  1. wysiwyg editor: Which is ?


>  2. "GWT doesn't allow that..." - ??? Your sources ???

I've used it in the past... Anyways you're getting it the wrong way around:
You have to prove to me that it exists.

> An answer:
>  1. web design is less than 1% (of charge) of the FProxy rework, please
> create a static FProxy... it is an excellent and constructive action for
> FRProxy.

That's what my argument was: you are getting your priorities wrong. We have a
working solution at the moment. As far as I know, the only reasons why we 
a rewrite of existing code is performance and what falls under 'usability'.

I know that fproxy is not a hot-codepath and doesn't fall under the former.

> The reallity:
> "As far as I know"
> here, you have the point.

Continue to be an ass, and to top-post, that greatly improves your chances.


> Rgds
> - Nicolas Hernandez
> a-n - aleph-networks
> *CEO*
> http://www.aleph-networks.com
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Florent Daigniere <
> nextgens at freenetproject.org> wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 06:03:25AM -0500, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > > On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 5:17 AM, Nicolas Hernandez <
> > > nicolas.hernandez at aleph-networks.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > > I have send en email about that. I can fill the decision matrix for
> > you if
> > > > you really needs.
> > > > - Minimalist ui tools
> > > > - poor production capacity in iterative mode,
> > > > - developpers knowledge of Wicket,
> > > > - capacity of using multiple UI with and without js (Lnyx, Web 2.0,
> > > > Android, ...)
> > > >
> > > > are unfavorable  compare to GWT
> > > >
> > >
> > > These justifications seem pragmatic.  I do agree that the development
> > cycle
> > > with Wicket can be a bit slow, at least 4 years ago when I last used it.
> > >
> > > Also, you are correct not to underestimate the importance of using a
> > > familiar tool, it can make a huge difference in development time.
> > >
> > > Ian.
> > >
> >
> > They might be pragmatic but they miss the point. We want to change the
> > templating
> >  engine so that 'web-designers' can use their favourite wysiwyg editor to
> >  help us come up with a kick-ass design. Code-maintainability and other
> >  software-engineering concerns are only secondary here...
> >
> > GWT doesn't allow that... The only wysiwyg editors I know about are within
> >  IDEs (Eclipse and Netbeans)... That's not the tool of choice of designers.
> >  You're still writing JAVA code as opposed to plain HTML. As far as I know,
> >  from the list of suggested frameworks, only Wicket fulfills this
> >  requirement.
> >
> > see:
> > https://wicket.apache.org/learn/examples/helloworld.html
> >
> > Florent
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